Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let's Continue

My Coke Rewards

I know everyone has heard of this pesky rewards program Coke has on every Coca-Cola product out there so try and collect as many as you can and cash them in. The points are lousy in the beginning but they add up as time goes on and before you know it, theres a lot of items to redeem so why not just give it a go. If you don't want the points but have some lying around, please throw them this way =]

Thanks for reading..until next time

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Money Maker

I've been a member of this site for about a year and have made over $90. Its a great site that pays you $0.01 for each ad you click on. You are guaranteed 4 clicks a day but I on average get around 7-8 a day. It is a very easy site and if you get direct referrals it is definitely a fast money maker. Click on the link below to get started.


Hey everyone, its shree88 looking to help everyone out by blogging about different free deals and small money making things by posting what I think is worth you're time. Let me help you and lets have a good blog together!!